June 07, 2012

Hello my name is...


So the entire purpose of this blog is to make things easier when it comes to sharing my traveling & modeling experiences with friends & family in order to avoid telling each individual how my trip was etc, nothing personal guys & girls, it's just that models aren't supposed to talk. I plan on documenting via photos and words my adventures in one of the most make-it-or-break-it industries out there; it's brutally honest and terribly realistic; no one will lie to you to make you feel good about yourself, and unlike your family and close friends, they won't like you for who you are on the inside. But that's not to say I'm not working with amazing people, because I am; you just have to a little bit of sifting. 

I leave Saturday (the 9th), all alone, until mid-August, to see Milan- provided I first survive the 15 hour flight, layover time included. I'm taking advantage of this because, in all honesty, I don't get tons of work in the Houston market.  I'm "too alien-looking" and "not curvy enough" (tears) for the commercial based work Houston has to offer. At one point, I tried to look athletic and pompous and smiley for an Academy go-see but things just didn't work out. I have worked with & learned from the most talented people in the industry here, and they've given me wings to fly from the nest (I love you Ally, Simon, Megan, Krystal, Jeff, Michelle, Chris, & everyone!). 

There are zero guarantees for consistent updates as I have zero clue how frequent I'll be able waste time on the Internet/find privacy, but I'll be here ALL summer, y'all!

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